A enchanting landscape

Finale Ligure offers the opportunity to discover the territory through excursions, trekking a guided tours.
Finale Ligure is positioned between some of the most interesting and historical towns in Liguria, Noli, Finalborgo, Albenga and Savona.
Nearby you will also find Borgio Verezzi and Toirano natural caves.

One hour driving from Finale Ligure you will reach Genova and visit the beautiful historical old town and the aquarium.
Other interesting destinations are the towns of Imperia inland (Dolceacqua, Apricale, Triora and Cervo).
At almost half an hour driving distance on the French coast you will find cote d’azur and Monaco, on the Italian side you will reach Portofino, Camogli and Golfo Paradiso.

A unique territory with an heritage that needs to be protected, respected and valorised that presents suggestive and fascinating landscapes all year around.

Suggestive Landscapes

You will find the great beauty of Finale Ligure in its natural landscape, in the contact between rock and sand and in the crystal clear calm water that can turn into a wave and show its strength crashing on he cliffs during a storm.

You will find beauty In historical old towns streets and sea facing churches, in secular olive trees fields and vineyards where you will smell the whole Mediterranean forest.

If you’re lucky and patient you will have the opportunity to observe shapes and colours of a rare small flower, the strength of wild weed growing between handmade dry stone walls or a peregrine falcon flying on top of the pristine landscapes.